Weather forecast for Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

today, Saturday 12.10.
11 °C
2 °C

hours of sunshine
4 h
risk of precipitation

morning 20%
afternoon 30%

zero degree level
3100 m

last update: 12.10.2024 06:12

Over the weekend, we will be brushed by weak frontal disturbances. On Saturday, there will be a temporary Foehn effect, and despite more extensive cloud cover, it will mostly remain dry. On Sunday, the Foehn-like south wind will die down, shifting to a west wind. Clouds will dominate, but rain showers will only be brief and localized. At the beginning of the new week, high-pressure influence will prevail, and the sun will likely be more prominent. The Foehn-like south wind will pick up again, especially on Tuesday, causing temperatures to rise significantly. In the valleys, temperatures may once again reach up to around 20 degrees Celsius. By mid-week (Wednesday), the warm southern weather pattern will peak. The outlook for the second half of the week remains uncertain, but according to the latest weather maps, it is quite possible that the mild southern Foehn weather could persist longer.

Sunday 13.10.
13 °C
6 °C
  • 2h hours of sunshine
  • risk of precipitation
  • 60% morning
  • 40% afternoon
Monday 14.10.
16 °C
5 °C
  • 4h hours of sunshine
  • risk of precipitation
  • 10% morning
  • 30% afternoon
Tuesday 15.10.
17 °C
6 °C
  • 5h hours of sunshine
  • risk of precipitation
  • 10% morning
  • 20% afternoon